The New 60/40 Model

WHITE PAPER: The 60/40 Model Is Failing Investors

For decades, the 60/40 stock-bond portfolio was the standard in asset allocation. Why is this strategy now falling short, and what steps can investors take to achieve an optimal mix of growth and stability in their portfolios?

Webinar: Finding Hidden Gems in Niche Credit

WEBINAR: Finding Hidden Gems in Niche Credit

For a different spin on what some are calling the Golden Age of Credit, Hunter Hayes, Matt Parker, and Joe Van Cavage shared how Intrepid’s fixed-income strategy is built to withstand hurricanes (or at least interest rate volatility) in this recent webinar.


SESSION: Playing the Devil's Advocate

Investment team members Hunter Hayes, Matt Parker, and Joe Van Cavage pull back the curtain on Intrepid Capital’s highly engaged approach to identifying and analyzing risk.